Hell, We Know We Are Killing the Pacific, As Well As the Rest of the World, Duuhh, What You Want Us To Do About It? We Have Done Nothing So Far, and It Has Worked, No One Will Make Us Do Anything!

When I was a kid, there was a cartoon.  Two vultures in a tree, looking around, really bored.  One says to the other:  “What ya wanna do?”  The other replies, “I dunno, whatya wanna do?”  That is what has gone on at Fukushima.  Hell, I dunno, maybe if we do nothing, nobody will know it happened.  I won’t tell, if you won’t tell.  What the hell?!?

The rest of the world, stands around with their fingers in their butts, and let’s them get away with it.  Can you imagine the long term impact that, we as Americans are going to endure?  Your great grandchildren may not even resemble a human.  And yall stand around like nothing has happened?  Are you sure that you were qualified to reproduce?

Think about it.

Japan Nuclear Prof.: Fukushima plant now a ‘swamp of radioactive material’ — Can’t stop pumping in more water because they don’t know where melted fuel went — Build roof over entire site? — Asahi: Continued presence of water threatens construction of ice wall around reactors

Published: July 13th, 2014 at 9:15 pm ET 
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Interview with Professor Hiroaki Koide, Kyoto University Reactor Research Institute, translated by Fukushima Diary, July 13, 2014: Fukushima plant is now like a swamp of radioactive material due to the contaminated water […] Tepco should quit cooling with water since one year ago. However from Tepco’s assumption, it is impossible to shift to air cooling because they can’t identify the exact locations of molten fuel.

More from interview with Professor Koide
, translated by Google: I think of that accident of Fukushima […] the human race has been encountered for the first time […] Rather than the cooling in the water, should switch as soon as possible to the cooling method of another I think. […] I thought the most part rain is falling on the site […] so, I cut off the rain. In other words, it is such as paving the entire site. I think I think in some cases, that I would build a roof on the entire site […] in the premises of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, but is in a state such as the swamp of radioactivity […]

Asahi Shimbun, July 9, 2014: 11,000 tons of contaminated water [are in] underground trenches connected to the No. 2 and No. 3 reactor turbine buildings. […] contaminated water began seeping into them after the onset of the March 2011 nuclear crisis. If the contaminated water is not removed from the trenches, it could eventually leak out. The Nuclear Regulation Authority instructed TEPCO to promptly remove the water, calling it the “most serious source of concern.” […] But TEPCO officials said the ice walls failed to form because of the constant flow of a maximum 2 milliliters of water per minute around the connecting points. Toyoshi Fuketa, an NRA commissioner, has instructed TEPCO to come up with steps to resolve the matter by the end of July, arguing that the frozen walls should be able to withstand certain levels of water flow under normal circumstances. The continued presence of water threatens to prevent the creation of outer frozen soil walls encircling the No. 1 through No. 4 reactors, which are a central part of TEPCO’s plans to reduce the amount of contaminated water at the plant.

Full interview with Prof. Koide available here (Japanese only)

Published: July 13th, 2014 at 9:15 pm ET
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