McConnell: Pelosi Refuses to Release Impeachment Articles Because She’s Afraid, Unrelated to Fair Trial

(Erin Schaff-Pool/Getty Images)

McConnell: Pelosi Refuses to Release Impeachment Articles Because She’s Afraid, Unrelated to Fair Trial
19 Dec 2019 3:37

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on Thursday lambasted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), often described as fearless and even never-daunted, as “too afraid” to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate that were approved mostly along party lines with three Democrats defecting.

On the Senate floor Thursday, McConnell accused Pelosi of suggesting “that House Democrats may be too afraid … to even transmit their shoddy work product to the Senate.”

Referring to the development as “comical,” McConnell said Democrats who stressed the urgency of the process now seem “content to sit on their hands.”

McConnell, one of the top Republican leaders who has been holding the party together against the impeachment-fueled onslaught against Trump and his allies, taunted Pelosi’s threat to withhold the articles of impeachment until the GOP agrees to a fair impeachment trial.

“This particular House of Representatives has let its partisan rage at this particular president create a toxic new precedent that will echo well into the future,” McConnell said from the Senate floor Thursday.

“Looks like the prosecutors are getting cold feet,” McConnell mused in remarks on the Senate floor after the House voted to impeach Trump along party lines.

Three Democrats defected, voting against at least one of the articles, while the Republicans remained together in their opposition.

House Democrats impeached Trump on abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. Trump joined the impeached president’s club as its third member.

Historically, the House sends the articles of impeachment approved in the House to the upper chamber — the Senate – for a trial.

Pelosi, however, appears to be doing what she knows best, playing legislative games. She has threatened that the Democrats would only send over the impeachment articles until she gets what she wants — the promise of a “fair” Senate process.

“We’ll make a decision… as we go along,” Pelosi told reporters Wednesday, adding that “we’ll see what the process will be on the Senate side,” Fox News reports.

“We have acted,” Pelosi continued, repeatedly refusing to commit to sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate. “Now, they’ll understand what their responsibilities are, and we’ll see what that is.”

Many Republicans have balked at Pelosi’s request because they believe Democrats denied them a fair trial while Pelosi sat by and watched the show.

McConnell’s speech on the Senate floor came after House Democrats voted to impeach Trump for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress on Wednesday night.

On Thursday, Senate majority leader McConnell deemed the House impeachment vote — which passed without the support of a single Republican — as “the most rushed, least thorough, and most unfair impeachment inquiry in modern history.”

Impeaching Trump became an obsession for many Democrats soon after he took office.

Speaker Pelosi has vowed not to send the articles of impeachment against President Trump to the Republican-controlled Senate until they agree to make the Senate trial fair. House Republicans repeatedly made similar requests, but the Democrat majority ignored them.

So now, Democrats are complaining that Republicans are denying them the legislative commodities that just a few weeks ago they gleefully refused GOP lawmakers.

Pelosi’s threat not to release the articles of impeachment until she gets what she wants is a surprise move that plunges Congress’s timeline of Trump’s trial in the Senate into even more uncertainty.

The Awans and Wasserman Schultz Threaten To Destroy the Deep State (Part 2)

The Awans and Wasserman Schultz Threaten To Destroy the Deep State (Part 2)

There are multiple freight trains headed the way of the Deep State. I know it is hard to believe that Hillary will ever spend a day behind bars. However, after reading this 3 part series, it is hard to believe that she will not. If it one thing to dodge one bullet. It is another to dodge a volley of bullets fired at point blank range and that is what key members of the Deep State are facing, especially Hillary.

The Clinton email investigation by Comey and the IG report provided Federal authorities with enough to prosecute Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Comey, McCabe, Paige, Strzok, Paige et al.

Keep in mind, the FBI never looked at the content on the DNC server. Many feel that would have implicated Podesta in th murder of Seth Rich. The IG report stopped just short of implicating Obama in the fake Dossier which should be sending Loretta Lynch to prison along with Rosenstein.

In Part One, I detailed how McCain, Clinton and Obama are implicated in the formation and providing material support for terrorists including ISIS. Previously, I exposed Clinton and Obama for Benghazi and the attempted cover up that they sanctioned, with regard to gun running, drug dealing and child-sex-trafficking. Benghazi, as I previously revealed was conducted to cover up these crimes, just 7 weeks before the 2012 election.

Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner have tapes on virtually all of these events according to a deep cover FBI source. I have written about this a number of times, maybe now, people are ready to connect the same dots I did back in 2016.
Comey and Clinton

Comey’s investigation was actually very complete and produced actionable evidence that should have sent Hillary to prison for life. Comey excoriated Clinton and then as he was reeling her in for the kill, he cut the line, exonerated her, and let America’s biggest snake slither into the darkness. The investigation could be characterized as “EXCORIATION TO EXONERATION”.
The IG Report

The IG report convicted the FBI of illegal surveillance of private citizens, collusion to plant false evidence, and most of all, flagrant violations of the Hatch Act. The Hatch Act prevents Federal employees from working to influence and publicly supporting a candidate, or in Trump’s case, working to block the election of a candidate.

The IG Report followed the same exact strategy of EXCORIATION TO EXONERATION. The American people have been made aware of the fact that crimes were committed, but are told the crimes are not sufficient enough to warrant indictments. Therefore, the same pattern of EXCORIATION TO EXONERATION REMAINS IN PLAY!

America should be in the streets with pitchforks over thes two failures to indict, but instead of people like Clinton doing the perp walk, the perps are walking. However, this may change. There are two very serious revelations surfacing that even a compromised IG cannot ignore, without being charged with obstruction.

As a side note, many people have told me to back off against my crusade against Attorney General, Jeff Sessions. They say he is playing a game of deception and he and Trump have a plan to play dumb until it is time to spring the trap. Sorry, I don’t believe in Santa Claus. However, Sessions, in the face of this new overwhelming evidence, will have only two choices: (1) Resign, or, (2) Indict and Prosecute.
Wasserman Schultz Could Bring Down the Deep State IF She’s Not Murdered

Wasserman Schultz got away with her role in the death of Seth Rich because her brother, a federal prosecutor in Washington DC intervened and got the investigation into Seth Rich’s murder stopped. I wrote extensively about this in the Summer of 2016.

However, Wasserman Schultz and her good fortune is about to come to an end. It is common knowledge that Awan was given access to classified material by Wasserman Schultz, some of it very Deep State orientated. Now, Awan and his wife have entered a guilty plea to a minor bank fraud charge. In light of all that they could have been charged with, only a minor bank fraud charge is being brought against them? There is a deal in there and it is going to have major implications on the release of the DNC tapes and Wasserman Schultz’s connections to Podesta and Clinton and their criminal activities. I have been told by a reliable informant that Awan has provided information against Wasserman Schultz and Podesta. If only one of these two turn state’s evidence, then it is over for Wasserman Schultz and ultimately Hillary Clinton. And if Clinton falls, so does the Deep State. Subsequently, Debbie Wasserman Schultz is about to slip on a banana peel. Why? Debbie Awan has a deal with the DOJ, separate and apart from her husband. If she makes the deal with the DOJ it goes back to good ‘ole Debbie Wasserman Schultz. She is the key to concealing DNC voter fraud and the murder of Seth Rich and the Pizzagate scandal. Therefore, the Awan’s present a double-barreled threat to the Deep State.

This opens up avenues to John Podesta and most importantly, Hillary Clinton. OMG, the Deep State can not afford to have Clinton investigated because it will open up everything from child-sex-trafficking to organ harvesting and how the Clinton Foundation is at the heart of all of this and their main target. The best investment in town may be to invest in a life insurance policy for Wasserman Schultz. If she’s lucky, she will only be charged and convicted for obstruction of justice and aiding and abetting.

More dirt is continuing to come out on the Awan brothers. The charges border on treason and sedition, but they have gone away.How? IT is a called a plea deal. Wasserman Schultz had to have known the extent of their criminality as they destroyed evidence which would have implicated her. Here is the entire story and it is shocking. Please keep in mind the following represents old news that I previously revealed. This is why I am so frustrated with Jeff Sessions, I revealed this information two years ago and it was easy to find.


The Awan-Wasserman Schultz connection won’t be the only bombshells that are coming the Deep State’s way. There is a star witness that will be testifying to the Senate Intelligence Committee this week. And this witness knows where all the bodies are buried, as this person served in two administrations, and I guarantee you that this witness will not fall on their sword and this person is too public to murder. This will be the topic of Part Three along with the retaliatory options the Deep State has in their arsenal.

Must Read: The Coming Deep State Massacre (Part One)

The Coming Deep State Massacre (Part One)

There is a plot that is so intricate, so detailed, so complex and so very brilliant, it is very difficult to explain to others who already don’t know some, or most of the story. The revelation of this plot may cause me, in the near future, to reverse my position on Jeff Sessions and my expressed to desire to have him removed as Attorney General.

Unlike when I stood alone for months on reports of the near coup against the Obama administration over Benghazi, what I am about to reveal is known by others, either in part or in whole. My preference would have been to have waited and several journalists report what is known at the same time. However, I just conducted a telephonic interview with Paul Preston. In addition, one of my best sources, after months of telling me big things are going to become public with regard to Deep State minions, I have concluded that I am a bit ahead of the knowledge curve and it would not be wise for me to hang onto what I have learned.

In a nutshell, this paper will reveal that high profile figures have been involved in treasonous activity against the United States, coupled with illicit criminal behavior at the same time. I have learned that some of these figures are on the verge of being arrested and indicted y the Trump administration. Unlike my Benghazi revelations, I do not stand alone in my discoveries. Without the information I have recently learned, I could have made a strong circumstantial case supporting what is going to be revealed here today. Subsequently, from a credibility standpoint, this is very low risk. However, from a personal safety perspective, it would not be wise to reveal my discoveries and recent conclusions.

Part one of this series consists of contextual background which will provide the factual justification to make the allegations against key Deep State operatives in Part two.

Relevant Contextual Background

The brief summary of what I have already reported in the past is highly relevant to what is coming.

The following events have already been documented and reported on The Common Sense Show will be revealed in this section.
John Cruz-Vice President of HSBC Bank

I first interviewed John Cruz in 2011 and again in 2o12. Most recently, I interviewed Cruz in 2016. This person is an unique position to connect keep members of the Deep State with treason against the United States as well as overt criminal behavior.

Here is a summary of what I reported in 2016 and unfortunately, the nation was ready, at that time, to fully embrace the Cruz revelations.

John Cruz is your ordinary family man. He put himself through college and worked his way up the corporate ladder.  He excelled at working with bank customers. He rose to the position of Sr. Vice-President of HSBC Bank. Everything was fine was until he discovered that his bank was laundering drug money for the cartels and terrorists and some of the money ended up in the hands of the elite.

John Cruz was fired from his job at HSBC Bank in New York for whistle-blowing on the bank’s illegal activity, his family was threatened. and yet,  he still feels that everyone needs to know what goes on behind the scenes of a major bank. Cruz even reported the illegal money laundering to Homeland Security, but to no avail. He should be an American hero, but instead, he was chastised, employment was hard to find and he lives in constant fear of his life. If it were not for the tapes he’s made and held back, for leverage sake, he would already be dead.

John Cruz discovered that massive amounts of drug cartel and terrorist money was being laundered through HSBC. Cruz investigated and found evidence of multiple money-laundering operations. He went to his bosses and reported what he found after he had conducted field operational investigations and found evidence of boiler rooms operations and fake business addresses, etc. His bosses told him to get back to work and to forget what he had told them. The head of HSBC security told him “This is how we make money, forget what you think you have seen”.

One of the by-products of this criminality has impacted millions of Americans. Cruz revealed that the scourge of identity theft is headquartered deep in HSBC bank as fake accounts done so in order to launder illicit drug sales, funding terrorism, gun running and child-sex-trafficking. There are some of you reading these words whose names appear on HSBC bank accounts that are being used tos upport money laundering for one or all of the interest listed above and if you run afoul of the Deep State, this information could be used to falsely set you up.

I previously documented how FBI director Comey served on the Board of Directors at HSBC during the time of the coverup of the criminal activities. Comey is not the only senior federal government official implicated in the crimes of HSBC either through participation or cover up. I asked Cruz about Comey and he was aware that Comey had been on the board of directors at HSBC bank and was responsible for “moving money” (ie laundering terrorist-based activities as well as organized crime. We now know that moving money meant, in part, included moving money to the Clinton Foundation. And are we surrpised that Comey gave Clinton a free pass for her illegal emails? Comey should be in jail.

When I first printed these documentable allegations against Comey, he was not quite the household public figure that he is now. Now, people are going to pay attention.

Cruz also stated that the Clinton emails undoubtedly deal with her involvement iwth HSBC and the connection to the Clinton Foundation.

Eric Holder’s DoJ did not investigate money-laundering charges in deference to bank clients of his very own Washington-based law firm, where Holder was a senior partner prior to joining the Obama administration. Obama participated in this coverup after the fact. Do you remember the classic movie The Firm, starring Tom Cruise in which the law firm’s purpose was to provide cover for organized criminal activity? This is Eric Holder, pre Attorney General activities. Remember, Holder was also cited for Contempt of Congress, for his role in Fast and Furious in which, under his direction as the AG, he supplied the drug cartels with weapons which resulted in the murder of Border Patrol agent, Brian Terry. Today, Holder is the spokesperson for the unconstitutional and illegal CALEXIT, in which California is trying to exit the United States as a protectorate of the United Nations.

Cruz went far and wide with his allegations. DHS told him to go away. Manhattan’s District Attorney’s told him that this would cost him his job, and that is if he was lucky. The head of the New York Eastern District covered up the crime as well, after Cruz provided her with irrefutable prof of his allegations. And who was the head of the Eastern District of New York? Why, it was none other than Loretta Lynch, the current Attorney General.

Lynch, to cover her legal behind actually found HSBC guilty of violation the “Banking Secrecy Laws”, but ignored the 800 lb. gorilla in the room, the money laundering and the violation of national laws on terrorism. I asked Cruz why Lynch would pursue the one charge and not the other. He told my audience that she could prosecute on a far lesser charge to make the serious charge go away.

This fact actually came up in the confirmation of Lynch’s nomination to the AG position, but it was quickly swept under the rug. However, the Cruz two hour testimony before the Senate Judiciary committee was so damning, that the Senate had to withhold Lynch’s nomination vote for three weeks in order “to let things calm down”.


And according to Cruz, all of thee Deep State minions and notable public figures, former members of the Obama administration, have intimate connections with the Clinton Foundation.

When Lynch and Bill Clinton had their conflict of interest meeting in the Phoenix airport, what do you think they talked about?

Please keep in mind that these are the revelations from an insider of the most corrupt bank on the planet. By the way, I have learned that HSBC is laundering money into the CALEXIT movement.

Here is the last interview I did with John Cruz, who should be getting a lot more attention from the Independent Media than he is.

Scott Bennett-Former Army PSYOP

Dr. Scott Bennett served in the U.S. Army 11th Psychological Operations Battalion, attempted to blow the whistle by contacting the corporate controlled media as well as reaching out to US politicians after being removed from his job as a terrorist finance investigator after he proved to be too good at his job. This was due to the fact that the Obama administration and DHS were too cozy with various terrorist groups.

Dr. Bennett served in U.S. Special Operations Command, U.S. Central Command, the coordinator for the State Department Counter-terrorism and many other agencies in the US government.

If one wants to understand the close relationship between former high level operatives of the Obama administration and current Deep State interests, this is a can’t miss interview and the interview is listed below this narrative. On The Common Sense Show, Bennett laid out how terrorism was funded by key member of the Obama administration. Like John Cruz, Bennett, was not told this information. As an insider, he lived it. When Bennett began to leak the intelligence related to funding terrorism, he was imprisoned for two years by Obama for FILING A FALSE BUSINESS EXPENSE REPORT. This was to minor to imprison someone, but he served two years on totally false charges in order to cover up these crimes.

Bennett started out his intelligence career in the George W Bush administration. He transitioned into the Obama administration where they funded and supplied terrorist groups such as ISIS. These events, from a logistical and time frame perspective perfectly coincide with the Cruz revelations listed above.

The amount of information regarding the degree of the threat of terrorism which all of us face, is laid out in exquisite detail by Dr. Bennett in this interview.

Hillary Clinton and ISIS

In 2016, WikiLeaks continued to reveal criminal and outright treasonous behavior on the part of Hillary Clinton. WikiLeaks, with their “retrieval” of Clinton emails continued to show ties between Clinton and foreign governments,through the Clinton Foundation, criminally corrupt corporations and serious human rights violations.

At the center of the WikiLeaks revelations of Clinton’s treason and criminal behavior demonstrates undeniable Clinton links to Lafarge. Lafarge paid taxes to ISIS in order that they could protect its cement factory from destruction. The factor is located approximately northeast of Aleppo, Syria.

Another criminal investigation conducted by a Syrian news agency, Zaman al-Wasl, an independent news organization, stated that Lafarge bought oil from ISIS on a consistent basis.

In a 2007, a Washington Post article, at the time, when Clinton provided the bulk of the Clinton family income. in the 1990’s before husband Bill was elected President of the United States. Hillary Clinton, at that time, was “earning more than $100,000 a year from her law firm salary and corporate board fees.” At the time, she also served on Lafarge’s board, making about $31,000 a year from the company. the year 2007, was the year that Lafarge built its cement plant in Syria. By the way, CEMEX was a part of this operation. Who is CEMEX? They own the land in Tucson where a large child-sex-trafficking operation was discovered earlier this month.
John McCain and ISIS

My disdain for McCain is well known. Therefore, I will let ex-CIA clandestine officer, Robert David Steele speak to the terrorist related activities of John McCain, who remains a globalist till the end.

From Mr. Steele:

“We do now know (I did not know this at the time the below video was recorded and I have no link for this, it comes to me from an inside source) that former CIA Director John Brennan plotted this false flag attack, which may have involved some real sarin allegedly destroyed during the Obama Administration, with Senator John McCain and National Security Advisor Herbert McMaster…”

There are a couple of important considerations here. First, I have a deep-inside source that confirms Independent Media reports which places Senator John McCain at the scene of the crime. In other words, he visited Syria only days before the false flag. Further, I have had it confirmed by the same source that McCain has been tabbed to be the public source espousing Deep State propaganda to push to America towards war based on false allegations of election tampering by the Russians.

Previously on The Common Sense Show, I have documented several times, with interviews with people like Scott Bennett, that Hillary Clinton was instrumental in starting ISIS. John McCain has reportedly taken this relationship to a whole different level when he allegedly met with ISIS representatives when he was in Syria in which my source alleges that John McCain helped to coordinate the false flag attack in question. Further, my source claims that there is a Sandy Hook component to this flag attack in which he claims that First Responders were not even wearing gloves when they arrived on the scene and they should have been attired in hazmat suits and of course, crisis actors abound.

Robert David Steele continues:

“Brennan (Editor’s note: Ex-CIA director) got the Saudis to pay half and McCain got Israel to pay half. They blind-sided – this is clearly treason – not only the Director of the CIA, but the President, the Secretary of State, and the Secretary of Defense. In my personal view, both John McCain and Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should be impeached by their respective legislative bodies. Whether true or not I cannot certify – it is consistent with my evaluation of each of these people, and a good starting point for an international investigation. I have long felt that John Brennan should be standing before the International Court of Justice as a war criminal, not least because of the CIA’s drone assassination program that I recently denounced in a book review article for Intelligence and National Security.”


So, what did we learn? We have learned that prominent members of our government, both past and present haver served to undermine the country’s national security interests. In doing so, they have associated with terrorists and their organized criminal activities.

These summaries simply provide evidence that what is going to be revealed tomorrow has basis in verifiable fact. Based on what I already know and what I have recently learned, Part Two of this article will be revealing that we are sitting on revelations of unparalleled treason and corruption including attempted assassinations of President Trump, and his counter strike which will be described as the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre of Deep State Operatives.

From USCCA: Of course I trust Governor Moon Beam, that those 2.3 million illegal immigrants are “hard-working families” and therefore trustworthy and law abiding(!)

California Condition Orange
By Rick Sapp // 10/27/2017

I’m not planning to visit California soon. No one there will lose sleep over that announcement, I suppose, but California recently became America’s first “Sanctuary State.” Apparently, by signing Senate Bill 54, Governor Jerry “Moon Beam” Brown limited the ability of state and local law enforcement agencies to “hold, question and transfer” individuals at the request of federal immigration authorities. The law takes effect in January 2018.

Brown called California’s 2.3 million illegal immigrants — most, I presume, from Latin America — “hard-working families” which, to my way of thinking, is nice but irrelevant. Thus, he chooses which national laws he likes and will enforce and those which he will not. (If the U.S. were attacked by North Korea, could he, for example, sign a bill forbidding California residents to join the military or pay the federal Income Tax? A traitor is a traitor, no matter how large … or small.)

There’s an interesting passage in a book I’m reading, Kim MacQuarrie’s Life and Death in the Andes. He writes about Sendero Luminoso, the vicious Communist Shining Path guerrilla movement of Peru:

“Like Marx, [Abimael] Guzman [Shining Path’s leader] began to believe that a glorious, stateless future awaited humanity — although that future might have to be prodded into existence with the help of guns.”

Like America’s Communist Left, Shining Path maintained that anyone who did not believe as they did was an enemy and should be killed. Thus, following the Las Vegas murders, Hayley Geftman-Gold, CBS vice president and senior counsel, tweeted: “If they wouldn’t do anything when children were murdered I have no hope that Repugs will ever do the right thing. I’m actually not even sympathetic bc country music fans often are Republican gun toters.”

California Governor Jerry “Moon Beam” Brown says the illegal immigrants in his state are just ordinary hard-working people. He lusts for the Marxist vision of a stateless society, where only his cops have guns (“To each according to their need. From each according to their ability.”) rather than the Jeffersonian model of a well-regulated, equal opportunity capitalist enterprise where individuals rise according to their energy and merit, and where individual responsibility begins with self-defense.

America’s Communist Left has reversed the course of classical Marxist strategy: Rule the countryside and the cities, bourgeoisie centers of wealth and oppression, will inevitably fall. In America, the Communist Left has subtly seized the news media and universities like the University of California at Berkeley.

So how do you carry in California, a “may-issue” state? The Center for Investigative Reporting at maintained that in mid-2015, “requests from more than 16,000 Californians to carry a concealed gun in public are in limbo…” Reporter Matt Drange said, “San Francisco has issued fewer permits in the last five years than any other county in the state. This is partly because so few people apply, knowing they are unlikely to receive a permit and not wanting a denial on their record. Each of the 13 applications submitted to the city’s police department last year still are pending.”

According to California’s Dept. of Justice Bureau of Firearms, 70,593 Californians possessed a concealed carry permit in 2015, about 0.2 percent of the state population … well below the national average. There are about 13.5 million concealed firearms permits nationwide, 5 percent of the population.

California and other centers of the Communist Left do not recognize national laws they don’t like. They are becoming a law unto themselves, although they still want Federal (i.e. your) support in any emergency — from earthquakes to forest fires. California does not recognize any other state permit and does not issue permits to residents of other states. My Georgia, Utah and New Mexico permits notwithstanding, I cannot carry on the Left Coast which wants, in Karl Marx’s mythological world, “a glorious, stateless future.” Plus unicorns and rainbows, I suppose.

So should I have to visit California — and it is a land of marvelous scenic attractions — I’ll leave my Walther behind. I’ll depart without my Smith & Wesson or my Kel-Tec. I won’t attempt to hide them in my luggage or beneath the car. (Cops are smarter at finding than I am at hiding.)

Instead, I’ll just avoid traveling there — and Chicago (my erstwhile birthplace) — and Massachusetts. In short, any state that doesn’t have reciprocity with my carry permits.

If I do go however, I’ll try to maintain a sense of awareness, vigilance, a Condition Orange status … which is exhausting. Of course I trust Governor Moon Beam, that those 2.3 million illegal immigrants are “hard-working families” and therefore trustworthy and law abiding(!). It’s the other 37.5 million residents who scare me.

The United Nations Is positioning for the takeover of the United States (Dave Hodges The Common Sense Show)

(The United Nations Is positioning for the takeover of the United States.)
UN Military Forces Invasion of the United States Is Imminent
Sunday, August 30, 2015 6:37
(Before It’s News)

Dave Hodges The Common Sense Show
Freeing America, One Enslaved Mind at a Time

Yesterday, and despite being a speed reader, I spent almost three hours reviewing a mountain of material that I have been sent by people from around the country. About half way through my review, I had an epiphany. I began to see the interconnections between events unlike I have ever seen before.

Previously, some of the material stood out as stand alone information. However, as I moved from one item to another, I began to connect the dots like I have never done before. Please allow me to provide for you the dot connections followed by a comprehensive analysis of what is coming in a more precise manner than I have previously reported.

DOT CONNECTION #1: Secretary of State, John Kerry, Signs the UN Small Arms Treaty In Violation of the US Constitution
Secretary of State, John Kerry, signing away America’s freedom, security and longevity by putting his name on the UN Smalls Arms Treaty in violation of the Constitution which states that any treaty must be approved by the Senate on a two-thirds vote.
Secretary of State, John Kerry, signing away America’s freedom, security and longevity by putting his name on the UN Smalls Arms Treaty in violation of the Constitution which states that any treaty must be approved by the Senate on a two-thirds vote.

The above photo of Kerry signing the UN Small Arms Treaty reminds me of Neville Chamberlain’s infamous quote about having “peace in our time” after he signed the Munich Accords with Hitler just prior to World War II. Inside of these “accords” contained the seeds for World War II. Inside this UN treaty lies the destruction of American culture and society as we have known it.

(Sometimes a picture is worth a 1000 words.)

Sometimes a picture is worth a 1000 words as this will be the net effect of the UN Smalls Treaty.

Secretary of State, John Kerry, and President Obama are “yucking it up” after setting up Americans up to be totally defenseless in the face of tyranny by obliterating the Second Amendment.
Secretary of State, John Kerry, and President Obama are “yucking it up” after setting up Americans up to be totally defenseless in the face of tyranny by obliterating the Second Amendment and a citizenry’s right to self-defense.

The clear intent of President Obama’s administration to disarm the American people should be very concerning to all Americans who know and appreciate their knowledge of world history. According to the University of Hawaii’s Democide Project, there were 19 genocides in the 20th Century. Everyone of them was preceded by gun confiscation. President Obama is a Harvard man and, as such, should we not assume that the President has some working knowledge about this aspect of history.

DOT CONNECTION #2: Humvee Vehicles Needed to Fix Walmart Plumbing Issues
UN Vehicles Being Transported to Texas
The following video shows Humvee vehicles in a Texas Walmart. Additionally, UN vehicles have been photographed as they are being shipped into Texas. Texans, prepare to defend yourselves!

The following video presents the aforementioned information beginning 5 minutes into the presentation.

This action commenced in April of 2015 and continues through today. In fact, The Common Sense Show has been reporting on the sightings of UN military vehicles in this country, in significant numbers, for longer than a year.

DOT CONNECTION #3: The American Military Is Being Systematically Being Disarmed
Not only does the Obama administration plan to disarm the people of America, they are systematically disarming the military as well while, at the same time, beefing up the foreign troop presence on United States soil.

As UN vehicles continue to deploy into the United States, we are witnessing the systematic disarming of the American Military. DAHBOO 777 first published the following account of the American military disarming itself by putting what everyone thought was excess military equipment into mothballs at underground munitions storage areas such as the one featured below at the Red River facility. The reason that it is quite clear that this is a disarming is that if a rapid deployment of this equipment were ever needed in time of war, the grid lock that would result at a facility like this or any other storage facility constructed in this manner, would prevent the timely and proper deployment of men and equipment.

DOT CONNECTION #4: We Now Have the Lens of Historical Perspective
DAHBOO 777 first published the above featured video on March 2, 2015. At the time, I wasn’t initially that suspicious of this activity. We were reducing our military operating size in the Middle East and subsequently, at the time, this seemed like an outgrowth of this activity. Please keep in mind this video was published almost a full month before the public revelation of Jade Helm 15.

The first time that most had heard of Jade Helm is when the following photos were released from a March 27, 2015 Ft. Lauderdale Special Operations Forces dissident extraction drill in which the following photos were captured by concerned local citizens.

(Ft. Lauderdale dissident extraction drill executed on March 27, 2015.)

Ft. Lauderdale dissident extraction drill executed on March 27, 2015.

Also on March 27, we witnessed waiting white vans designed to transport these (actors) political dissidents to their new residences at the nearby FEMA camps. These van have also been seen traveling through select neighborhoods through out the country. This political extraction drilll, held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. exposed to two lies: (1) Jade Helm was not supposed to start until July 15 and (2) Jade Helm was only in 7 states. Florida was not on the original Jade Helm maps and documents.
Also on March 27, we witnessed waiting white vans designed to transport these (actors) political dissidents to their new residences at the nearby FEMA camps. These van have also been seen traveling through select neighborhoods through out the country. This political extraction drilll, held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. exposed to two lies: (1) Jade Helm was not supposed to start until July 15 and (2) Jade Helm was only in 7 states. Florida was not on the original Jade Helm maps and documents.

The the country was quickly introduced to Jade Helm maps and the infamous and mysterious logo.

Jade Helm 15 Color Coded Legend Red Denotes a “hostile state” Brown is uncertain, leaning towards hostile. Dark Blue is “Permissive” meaning supportive of the government. Light Blue is “Uncertain, leaning friendly”. .

If this won’t wake up the nation, then nothing will.

There is a reason why Obama is downsizing the military at a time when we are facing the strong possibility of going to war with China and Russia. This action by Obama is highly suspicious. Further, the military movement of equipment in this country is unprecedented and has been covered, in detail, on this site for the past six months.

The strategy seems clear: Reduce the size of the military, disarm much of the military as we see with Red River and as you will take note of in the next section, there is a growing foreign troop presence that is very well documented. Further, these events have caused me to view Jade Helm in, yet, another light. What Jade Helm also accomplishes besides dissident extraction and the implementation of martial law, is the mobilization and control of most of our domestically based military under one central authority, Jade Helm. If I wanted to neutralize the American military prior to a take over, this is exactly what I would do.

On August 29, 2015, I received a very disturbing email from a reader.


My son-in-law is a wild land firefighter based in Chelan, WA. As I’m sure you are aware the fires in Washington are some of the worst in the nation right now. I spoke with him last night after he came off of a 20 day shift. He has been battling the Wolverine fire which lies in a very remote part of the county only accessible by Boat or Helicopter. This is the same remote area that the U.S. Army Airborne division has been using to practice helicopter mountain training.( While battling the fire and establishing fie lines around Holden Village, he and his crew came upon two Blackhawk helicopters on the ground in a remote part of the forest. He said that soldiers drew their weapons on his US Forest service fire crew and told them they couldn’t be in the area because it was a restricted Military zone. He said all of the soldiers were in US Army uniforms, but two of them appeared to be Russian (wearing US Army uniforms) and in his opinion the Russian soldiers seemed to be in charge. My son-in-law challenged the soldiers stating they were there to save structures threatened by the fire and they would continue to do their job, at which point all the rifles in the company pointed at him. At this point he said he actually felt threatened for his life and he and his crew retreated going around the helicopter crew. This led to a discussion as to whether or not the US Army had been involved in possibly starting the fires which now burn approximately 135,000 acres.

Please withhold my name for obvious reasons.
This is not the only time we have seen, or heard of Russian troops in places where they should not be. As far back as 2011, Sherrie Wilcox sent to me a video of Russian soldiers training inside of DHS vehicles.

To one more of hundreds of documented incidents of this type, here are pictures of Russian commandos at Ft. Carson.

This picture and depicts Russian soldiers at Ft. Carson. The Russians and other foreign troops (e.g. Germans, Canadians, Danes) are part of Jade Helm. They are here to carry out the mission should American troops stand down.
This picture and depicts Russian soldiers at Ft. Carson. The Russians and other foreign troops (e.g. Germans, Canadians, Danes) are part of Jade Helm. They are here to carry out the mission should American troops stand down.

They are not coming, they are here.

They are not coming, they are here.

The Russians have even been depicted the Mural at Denver International Airport near baggage.

Don’t forget about Obama’s 2010 great giveaway of oil-rich Alaskan Islands which could be used as a prelude to invasion.

Soon this will be a familiar sight in our communities only their helmets will be blue.

Please allow me to remind the readers that Steve Quayle, Doug Hagmann and myself have been on the front line warning about these events over the past several years. And through Agenda 21, America will soon lose control over 90% of its land as depicted below in a biodiversity map. Agenda 21 is synonymous with the United Nations.

Put this map into your GPS, it will tell where you soon cannot go. The UN’s manifestation of forcing people into stack and pack cities.

The Impetus for the Take Over of the United States
All of these connected dots will coalesce along the lines of a catastrophe which would legitimize the use of UN aid in the form of blue-helmeted troops and their military equipment which is already being stored on US soil.

Most people would point to a false flag which would be needed to set the take over into motion. However, I do not think that a false flag will be needed. All the globalists have to do is let nature

Who are the massive amounts of DHS acquired bullets for?

take its course and let the economy collapse and the ensuing chaos would provide the backdrop to justify the placement of UN troops on the street. And these UN troops would be a buffer against a military that may not cooperate with the give away of the country by the current President.

The new enemies of the state.

DHS tipped its hand about the direction this was going several years ago when they acquired 2700 armored vehicles and over two billion rounds of ammunition. And let’s not forget that DHS has not only acquired ammunition and armored vehicles, they have been practicing. And who have they been practicing for? You are not going to like the answer to this question as depicted in the above target shooting poster created by DHS.